Jonathan Porter

Welcome to my portfolio. 

First and foremost, I'd like to say that I hate writing about myself. I rather you read one of my novels. And for any inquisitive publishers out there who happened to land on this page, please, oh, please, contact my agent, Arianna, at the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency.

Any takers? 

Okay, so this is a portfolio. I get it. I should say something valuable, like that I've been writing and editing for 15 years in one shape or form. I'd go even further and say that writing and editing are my brushes of choice. Whether it's a script, a novel, an article, or an ad, I take a canvas of words and paint a story that's hopefully worth reading. I

On the more techy side, I'm no stranger to content management systems, primarily WordPress and Emaki. When it comes to SEO-based writing, I've done my fair share and continue to learn. While I can't promise wizardry-level skills, I know a spell or two.

Oh, and I was an English teacher, too. I've heard some say that teaching is a dead-end job with no growth potential, but I'd disagree. Try managing 200-plus students, lesson planning, leading extracurricular clubs, teaching summer school, tutoring students, helping seniors with college essays, and communicating with parents on a daily basis. A teacher is a manager, a mentor, a multi-skilled multitasker. There's a lot of growth, fulfillment, and irreplaceable experiences that come with being an educator. My experiences as a teacher have helped me to empathize and connect with different audiences, making me a more versatile content creator. So you could say that this "dead-end job" is anything but.

I'll step off my soapbox now.

You'll probably notice that my portfolio covers more than my current gigs in copywriting and editing. Aside from my commerce articles and recipes, I've attached an excerpt from my first novel, The Accidental Fate of Henry Figg. It's a dark comedy about finding hope, even when it seems absurd. And if you can't sleep tonight, feel free to read one of my academic papers, The Evolving Narrative of Gaming and In Our Own Image: Frankenstein's Creature and the Visual Medium. I want to show that I can handle a variety of writing styles and tones, from academic pieces to creative narratives. Speaking of narratives, I'm also passionate about quality TV and film. In fact, my script, Good Christian Boy, made it to the quarter-finals of Stage32's 4th Annual TV Comedy Screenwriting Contest

That's it. That's me in a nutshell. Pardon my existential dread while I review my professional life summed up in a few paragraphs. If you like what you see, please reach out. And should you ever find yourself in Milwaukee, I'll invite you over for a slice or two of my homemade Za. 

Contact me: LinkedIn 

© 2025 Jonathan Porter. All rights reserved.